Friday, August 3, 2012

Sometimes i hear ''click'' from my pc

Sometimes i hear ''click'' from my pc?

HI, sometimes i hear ''click'' from my pc but only once , and it happened to me about 2-3 times in this month, i havent noticed it before. Could it be something serious ? I dont have any crashes , my fans are working fine , and all hardware is detected. I can't afford for a new hardware , plz help

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So i suppose i dont have to worry about it??


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

in SMPS Powerful capacitor placed these holds power after sutdown also , if you touch these you may get heavy shock even system is unpluged . so when capacitors get discharge they may click sound. its normal, dont worry.

Having a problem using my portable hard drive?

Having a problem using my portable hard drive?

Its a new hard drive, about 1 week old and has been working fine until now. I connect it through the USB and my computer seems to recognize it. I see it in my Device Manager and under Disk Management also. However, When I first got the drive I Re-named it to "Rons2" but It's calling itself Local Disk now. Im assuming there is some problem with the computer reading off of the drive. Any ideas for help? I can give anyone more details about this if they wish to know.

P.S. I have already moved quite a bit of files onto the drive so I REALLY don't want to re-format it. I know that if I want my files back I might have to take it back to a data recovery group but that will cost alot of cash and there might be another way to fix this.

Please anyone help me I would really like to get those files out.

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Its normal , once remove restart system there will not show local,
actually what happened Operating system check its size and file system if it found more GBs it assue as Local Hard Disk and gives a letter Like D, C ,F drive
Nothig to worry

BIOS ROM Checksum Error

BIOS ROM Checksum Error?

EVERY time i boot my PC it shows it checking my GFX card (a 64mb card in this case-an old one for testing.) that goes, then this error appears, and it tries to find the A: Drive. I don't have a floppy drive..... I do have a USB drive though. Although it fails to detect it with (or even without) the BIOS repair diskette in it. I have tried resetting the CMOS with the on-board jumper, i have tried removing the 2032 battery next to the chip. i thought it may have been the RAM, i have two sticks of DDR2 533mHz 512mb RAM. I have tried the two sticks together, swapped round, one in one slot, the same in the other, all combinations, no luck. The PSU seems ok, no smell or discolouring of the molex cables. I have tried everyhing and now am stuck......
New MoBo??
...i cannot access the BIOS, it isn't passing the POST.....
just beeps like mad.

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Once remove and again fix your GFX card in slot.
if problem continue remove permanently use VGA port for your monitor. If you dont have onboard VGA then use PCI VGA card or new GFX card. for other problem do this
Check battery charge it may be down ,
fixt it at proper place . start system go BIOS of CMOIS pressing F1 or Del key you will be inside BIOS setup .
Check all the option you will find Deskett A drive disable and one place you will get boot priority(normally in boot option)change first boot devices as hard disk press F10 to save change.
for last change your RAM then check

HDD Enclosure

What type of hard-drive enclosure should I use?

I am gutting an 11-year old pc and I am going to buy an enclosure for the 20gb hard drive and use it as an external. If I decided to do this (I will if the price of an enclosure is cheap) what kind of enclosure would I use. It is only 20gb and I will only bother with an enclosure if it is significantly cheaper than just getting a flash drive of the same capacity.

Hard drive specs:
* Maxtor Hard Drive
* Model:2B020H1 (541DX)
* 20.0GB Capacity
* 5400 RPM Spindle Speed
* UDMA/100 (IDE) interface
* 2MB Buffer
* < 12 ms average seek time
* Form Factor: Standard 3.5-inch
* Drive Only

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

You will cost more for enclosure, better purchase flash drive,