Saturday, January 24, 2009

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy For PC Computer Hardware
I am always devoted to give due respect to your privacy and safeguarding your own privacy while you will be online with this PC Computer Hardware site. I am disclosing my privacy policy with the visitors and readers of this site in the following few paragraphs.
Information and Services:
All the information and services provided here either free or paid are posted on this site with utmost care and after a thorough check. Most of the information are collected from all over the net. I tried my best to post correct and useful information from which the readers of this site should be benefited. Still the visitors of this site any way will be responsible themselves if any side effect or any damage causes to them after practicing or using information provided here. I will not be any way responsible for the action taken on the basis of the information provided on this site.
RSS and Email Updates:
You will be asked to provide your Name and Email for RSS Feeds and Email Updates (both are powered by Feedburner). You are always and anytime free to opt-out from these subscription without giving any reason to do so. I will never sale your personal information like your name or email address anytime, neither I will use myself your personal information for my own personal or business use. I will not even give those information to any third party. In short you will never be spammed by me at any point of time.
Stats Counters and Log Files:
I may use log files or stat counter which stores information like internet protocol address ( IP Address), type of browser you use, your ISP (internet service provider), you are referred by, where from you exit and the page/s you visited during stay in my site, which platform you used to visit my site, date and time stamp and it gathers your geographical information for aggregating purposes. Your IP address will not be linked to any personal identifiable information which may hamper your privacy. I use for collecting visitors' information. Information are collected only to check the statistics of the site, no spamming or any other illegal motives are not there behind the collection of visitors' information.
Cookie is a piece of information data which is stored on user's computer. I do not use cookies for myself. Of course my business partner now or in future and some advertisers in this site may use cookies. I have no control to access those cookies set by the advertisers.
Links To Other Sites:T
his site now or in future may contains some links which lead to other site. I am not responsible of those linked site for their privacy policy. When ever you leave my site using some links from this site you please check yourself the privacy policy of those sites. They may collect your personal identifiable information which may be as per their privacy policies. I am not and never will be responsible for that thinks happen to you. You are solely responsible for your action on those sites.Advertisers of this site:
Mainly I use this site to display advertisement from Google Adsense. You may check the privacy policy of Google Adsense for more details of their program policy. The advertisers of Google Adsense may contain cookies which may collect your personal information and I have no control over those information collected. In future I may use other advertisers to place advertisements on this site. You are requested to check individual advertisers privacy policies for details.How to Contact Me:
You may use my email to contact me or you can place a comment at the end of each post. I will try my best to give quick reply of your query. This privacy policy will be updated as and when required, so please check it frequently

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